Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thanksgiving, the fancy dishes taken out, families gathered together and sharing a meal. A roasted turkey with a variety of fresh prepped veggies, savory stuffing, hot tasty gravy, decadent pies, and all manner of waist expanding goodies. The smells emitting from the kitchen are enough to drive one crazy while watching the parades and football games.

Every family has a twist to the “traditional” TV and magazine versions of a Thanksgiving dinner. For some it’s the stuffing prepared a certain way or a particular side dish. For me it’s Dad’s apple pie, it’s just not Thanksgiving without his apple pie. The apples piled seemingly too high, the pie pan over stuffed so that the top crust barely fit.

Dad never shared his recipe with us, telling us as we helped that it was a “secret” recipe. Always using store bought crusts, Dad would have the kids peel and core the apples then kick everyone out of the kitchen while he whipped the pie into shape. You could hear him in the kitchen banging around and making a big production out of it. Some of it I am now sure was just for show. Some of it was Dad protecting his “secret” recipe.

If you were lucky enough to be home while the pie was baking you would be treated to a scent that bordered on heavenly; the sweet mouthwatering smell of cinnamon, nutmeg and apples slowly baking and melding into a gooey decadent crust encased plate of homemade goodness. Each bite a mouth watering reminder of all the love and closeness we shared as a family.

Dad passed away last year after bravely fighting cancer. He passed quietly on his terms with strength and courage. I learned so many things from my father while he was alive. Watching him fight and eventually succumb to cancer I learned that within each of is a reserve of strength that is super human. I am in awe of the strength and courage that it took to face his final battle knowing it was the end, my father was Superman.

I’m thankful for every minute I had with my father. In 1985 I joined the Navy and Dad and I spent a lot of time fishing and talking before I left for basic training. He provided me a lot of advice some good and some well not as good. One of the things he said I should do was to set aside a few minutes every Thanksgiving to reflect on the things you have to be thankful for. So for 24 years now every Thanksgiving I spend a few minutes reflecting on the things I have to be thankful for. Not the materialistic things but the things that matter the most to me; Family, Friends, Love, Health, Hope, and Faith.

Set aside a few minutes Thursday and reflect on everything you have to be thankful for. Try to focus on the things that truly matter to you. Enjoy your family and cherish the moments you are spending together. In today's fast paced hectic world we tend to forget to slow down and enjoy each others company. So slow down, enjoy an extra piece of pie and have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Now if you’ll excuse me I need to head to the market. See while helping Mom pack up her kitchen and sorting through things she let a few of us in on Dad’s “secret” recipe. I’ll keep his secret and make his pie just like he did. Now I need to beat the crowds at the store and pick up the ingredients to make Superman’s Apple Pie.

Friday, October 30, 2009

First post

Your wondering if I have anything useful to say? Will anything you read here have a deep and meaningful impact on your life? Well, these are some of the same things I am contemplating.

So, Welcome! Enjoy the journey and allow me a moment to reflect on who I am and why I am doing this.

Who am I? Or as Gonzo (of The Muppets) said "...better yet WHAT am I?".

I am .

Shaped by my childhood and the experiences of life I am nothing more then what I want or need to be. As a MAN I need to be the provider, the hunter and the gatherer. As a SON I want to be the reflection of my upbringing. Being a FATHER I hope to be the role model, moral compass, and shaper of our future generations. As a LOVER I am everything and anything my partner needs or desires from me. I am the FRIEND that is there for you, shoulders broad enough to carry your load as well as mine if need be. But above all, I am a HUMAN, made of flesh and bone with all the cravings and desires inherent with life.

I'm writing for the pleasure of it, for the entertainment of my daughters and as an outlet for my thoughts. Drawing on my past and present influences, the music I've listened to, the books I've absorbed, the people that have come in and out of my life, and both the beauty and ugliness of the world that surrounds us. I hope to touch some of you with my words and perhaps occasionally to cause you to pause and reflect.

So if you are still reading and still interested in what I have to say buckle up and enjoy the ride!

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