Friday, January 8, 2010

New Year

Push publish, must remember to push publish this time. I took the time to write a long post reflecting on the meaning of Christmas and the traditions of the holiday season. Touching on some of the traditions and anxieties shared this time of year. I forgot to push the publish button so there it sits in my drafts folder, mocking me with its hollyberries, gingerbread and candy cane smirkiness. Well, now on to a new beginning, a new year of hope and prosperity.

This past year had been tough and is best left behind. Not forgotten, but left in the past were it belongs. Respectfully remembered and referenced as needed but not with joy or happiness. Sure, there were moments of laughter and bliss but overshadowed by the fall of the economy and my loss of employment.

The new year is starting off rocky with the unavoidable loss of my house. I have no idea how long this process will take. I'm in unchartered territory. I've been open and honest with the mortgage company about my employment status from the start. I asked for a reduced payment and my arrears attached to the end of the note until I can get back on my feet. I've asked for help and been denied. I received the first notice the mortgage company has turned everything over to a lawyer for foreclosure proceedings. I received this lovely news on December 24th. Merry Christmas we don’t want to help you, good luck.

My wife and I will be all right, we have a pop-up camper and plenty of family and friends with big yards. The kids and the dog enjoy camping out. I like cooking on the grill and relaxing by a campfire. Even during New England winters. So it's time to pick myself up, dust myself off, and move on. But it makes me wonder, what happened to the bail out money and mortgage relief efforts? Were they real? Did they ever exist?

I approach this new year with an open heart, a clear mind, and a strong resolve to improve my life. I remain hopeful and do have a lot to look forward to this year. We have our health and one another and a strong foundation to rebuild on. We have a family member turning 90 in the spring, my wife graduating with her Masters Degree in May, and countless new adventures around each corner with the kids.

It is said that these defining moments help build and strengthen character. No thank you, I've had enough. I am often told that I am quite a character and have repeatedly displayed the depth of my emotional and physical strength. To the drama and frustration I say "No More!" Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. I have this big furry friend hanging out with me who listens patiently and wants nothing in return except the occasional belly rub and taken for long walks.

It's snowing lightly outside so I'm grabbing the leash and hitting the woods with my furry buddy for a couple of hours. I think life would be more fun if we approached it the way my dog does. Get up, take a moment to stretch really good then treat everything as if it were some new exciting adventure.

Now off with you, go have an adventure and hug someone today.

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