Friday, May 27, 2011

Long Weekend

Memorial Day weekend: the end of spring and the official beginning of summer. Time to fire up the grill and enjoy my meals outside. From Memorial Day weekend until well into the fall a majority of our family meals are cooked on the grill. Everything from apples to zucchini, breakfast meals, lunches and dinners all get prepared on the grill. Grilled bagels, pancakes done on the griddle, baked stuffed fish and of course the standards: burgers, dogs, brats, and steaks. But nothing is better than my corn on the cob. Soaked all day long in salted water then tossed on the grill, husk and all, to slow cook and self-steam. I love to entertain and hold outdoor parties where I get to fire up the grill and show off a little.

There are graduation parties being held all over the country this weekend. I don’t have to host one this year but do get to attend a few. These eager and excited young adults begin the next chapters of their lives. Some are heading onto higher education, some joining the work force, and others making the decision to serve their country. All of which are noble and exciting endeavors and I wish all of them well.

I have a niece and a nephew who are graduating this year and I am very proud of them both. Both are heading on to college and continuing their education and I know they will do very well. To all the young adults entering college I wish you luck. Be firm in your convictions, study hard, and don’t forget how and what it took to get you where you are. To those that are joining the work force, Welcome! Here are a few words of advice that will hopefully help you along your way. Be respectful, both of your co-workers and of yourself. Demonstrate that you are a reliable and trustworthy employee. Always be a few minutes early and offer to stay late if needed. Don't wait to be asked to do something, be proactive and helpful. Always dress appropriately, not for the position you hold, but for the one above yours.

For those that are joining one of the branches of the service:


This 3 day weekend is a celebration weekend for many families. But let’s not forget why we have it. It's not to celebrate the beginning of summer but it is a reminder of the ultimate sacrifice. The sacrifice that so many of our fathers, sons, husbands, brothers and sisters have made willingly so that we can enjoy the freedoms we have today. While you are celebrating this weekend take a moment, in fact take "The National Moment of Remembrance" and honor our fallen heroes. This occurs every Memorial Day at 3 P.M. for more information visit

The weather is supposed to cooperate this weekend. The grill is calling and the first summer roses are making their blushing appearance while in Flanders Fields the poppies are in full bloom.

"We cherish too the Poppy red, That grows on fields where valor led,
It seems to signal to the skies, That blood of heroes never dies."
~Moina Michael

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