Monday, January 3, 2011


A new year, a new resolution, a new me, a new you… Let’s be honest about it. A resolution is nothing more than a promise that we don’t intend to keep. I hear my friends and family making these resolutions as if they were trying to claim a do over for part of last year.

Every year we fall into this trap. By December 1st I already had friends and family making various resolutions. Proudly posting up on various social networking sites what they resolve to do. So far I’ve heard resolutions of financial responsibility, weight loss, and even being more open minded. Really? You are going to make an effort to be more open minded?

Let’s all step back from the edge and take a deep breath. If you are to make a resolution about anything make it about something that you shouldn’t all ready be doing. You already know you need to be fiscally responsible, that you need to drop that extra 20 pounds. You also know that you should be kinder and think before you speak. Let’s start using some common sense.

Think about what you would like to accomplish this year. Write it down and come up with a list of how’s. If you want to lose that extra 20 pounds how are you going to do it? What steps are you going to take to get there? Don’t just make a resolution come up with a game plan. Keep it simple, make it achievable and hold yourself accountable. Execute your plan and stick to it.

Start this new year off right by kissing slowly and forgiving quickly.


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