Thursday, September 13, 2012

We The People

Dear Political Candidates,

We the people - They are strong words, conceived and written to express the outrage, the dissatisfaction, and the departure from tyrannical rule.

I've watched quietly over the years as you've made a mockery of the democratic process that our founding fathers forged in blood for us. It's downright shameful, your ads disparaging each other. Instead of wasting our time with your posturing and mudslinging tell us what you plan on doing about the current economic situation. What are you going to do about the job situation and reducing the amount of off shore job outsourcing? How are you going to reduce our current dependency on foriegn oil and begin implementing alternative energy solutions? How do you plan on reducing the amount spent on foreign aid and redirecting those funds to aid programs here in the States?

I sit and watch as your negative ads insult the American public’s intelligence. I have to explain to my daughters that this isn’t the way a Democracy should be. I tell them that a Republic should stand for its people, not special interest groups, not for strict party lines, not for the person with the biggest check book. You have taken what was once an honorable side job, a civic responsibility, and made it synonymous with corruption, disgust, greed. We the people are fed up. We are tired of being lied to. Disgusted with the way things are and how bleak the economic future looks.

I pray that sooner rather than later you will get your acts together, clean up this mess, and return our country to its former glory.

We the people are owed that much. We deserve your respect and you need to re-earn ours.


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