Thursday, May 21, 2015

Memorial Day 2015

Have you forgotten? Do you remember what Memorial Day is supposed to be about? Its not about celebrating our veterans. We have a day for that in November. Though I feel the veterans should be celebrated and recognized daily, Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for those who have passed. Those who have given the full measure, paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.

This 3 day weekend is a celebration weekend for many families. It's the beginning of summer, the end of the school year with a lot of graduations. But let’s not forget why we have it. It's not to celebrate the beginning of summer but it is a reminder of the ultimate sacrifice. The sacrifice that so many of our fathers, sons, husbands, brothers and sisters have made willingly so that we can enjoy the freedoms we have today.

While you are celebrating this weekend take a moment. In fact, take "The National Moment of Remembrance" and honor our fallen heroes. This occurs every Memorial Day at 3 P.M. 

Show some respect for those that have paid the price for our freedom and participate. Put your smartphone down, shut off the TV, spend a minute and reflect on your freedom and how it has been paid for. Want to learn more? Visit

"We cherish too the Poppy red, That grows on fields where valor led, It seems to signal to the skies, That blood of heroes never dies." ~Moina Michael


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